Monday, April 20, 2015

Week # 76

Ok so I did a super bad job of writing in my journal this week and I don't really remember all that happened! I will try and give a nice a summary...

We had District Meeting and something happened with the sisters - a last minute emergency and they didn't show up so it was just us four Elders. We ended up watching a talk by Elder Holland called "Feed My Sheep" it's one of my favorite so if you haven't seen or read it, go hit that up! Then I went on an exchange in a ville called Arras it was a pretty good exchange...lots of walking, not enough going on there. After the splits we went home and we had to do our zone leader confidentiality reports for the zone and that took almost the whole day! 

We did a lot of teaching and contacting this week! We ate at a members house on Saturday, she made us really good food! One of our amis dropped us, but he kept the Book of Mormon so that was good. On Sunday we had a cool miracle - we contacted a dude on the road who was atheist, and he was going through a hard time so we talked about prayer. We ended up praying with him on the road. He felt the Spirit and told us that he felt a lot better and invited us to come over on Wednesday to pray with his family. He also asked us to pray for his sick kid. Super cool guy. 

Pretty crazy next week, but hey I will be emailing through an iPad when we get them next Tuesday...I cant wait! All is well, and I love what I am doing and I love you guys! 
-Elder Beck

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