Monday, August 10, 2015

Week #92
Tours Religouse

Hey guys! 

I had a great week! Monday we had a normal p-day, nothing too special happened. We had a FHE at the church, but only 2 people came and they were both is super solid! We gave the spiritual thought on Charity then played some card games - then our ami gave us a ride home. 

Tuesday was a pretty fun day, we went straight to DM in Le Mans. I fell asleep in like 4 minutes on the train! Then we had our DM and it was pretty fun it was on "Real Intention", and after we played that game Mafia and it was pretty fun because I haven't played that game since I was a kid. Later that day we did an exchange with the Elders of Alencon in Tours. I was with Elder Vance and Elder Ashcraft. It was my first time ever being in a 3 sum since Charleroi, and it's pretty awkward not going to lie! We looked liked the Mafia! We went contacting, and we got to see the Cathedral in Tours. We ate at the famous "Tours Religouse" it's pretty much like a giant ball version of an éclair. We got to teach some people too, which was cool. 

Wednesday finished our exchange with the Alencon Elders first thing in the morning, their train was super early. Then we packed for our next exchange with the APs in Paris. Our train got there at like 3h and then we headed over to Versailles. I was with Elder Amaya he's a good dude we had a lot of fun. We taught some guy on the road and then went to an RDV with someone that was recently baptized that I actually got to teach before she was baptized so that was cool. Her dad isn't a member so the lesson was more centered for him and it went really well. Then we came home for diner - we played Monopoly Deal and it was super fun. 

Thursday we finished up our exchange with the APs. I got to see Elder Karl in the morning because he was in Paris doing his comps legality. We took a train home, we didn't get there till later because it takes a long time to get to Tours. Then we planned out our training that we are going to give our zone and set up all our interview times. Our training is going to be on finding and so far it's looking pretty good. 

Friday in the morning we went out contacting and taught some people and it was cool because almost all of them started out being super negative towards us, but in the end we were praying all together so that was cool. Then we taught this lady that we found at a park with the Sisters because we were passing her because she lives all alone. Then we ate lunch...and something happened...I'm not sure what but Elder Gee and me both got some minor food poisoning! I went to bed a like 8-ish. 

Saturday I was feeling pretty sick, but Elder Gee was feeling a little better. In the morning we saw our ami who has been progressing a ton lately! He is praying for a date and our next RDV we are going to try and fix a date with him, it's super cool too because he has been an ami for like 8 years now and he's finally progressing. Then we got flaked on twice, but honestly I wasn't that mad because I was feeling sick so I slept for like 3hrs. When I woke up I felt a lot better but Elder Gee got worse haha. We just kinda sucked it up though and went finding and it was awesome because we found a normal french family! Also we taught a guy on a park bench and it was super awesome. He said he'll come to church. Then we went and got a kebab with a guy that was recently baptized in Tours. He moved after being baptized, but now he's moved back and he's a cool guy too. He plays guitar so I'm hoping we can jam sometime.

Sunday we went to church and there were so many Americans there it was crazy! There was a family from Pleasant Grove, plus all the other Americans that are part of our ward had family over it was cool. Also there were a lot of students there from Sweden and Germany who speak English, so it was legit. Then we went home and just planned for the week nothing special then went out and did some nightly contacting! 

Thanks for all your love and support you guys rock!
-Elder Beck

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