Monday, June 29, 2015

Week #86
Kings at "winging it"

Hey everyone I had a killer week this week! Super busy just the way I like it:)

Monday we had a normal p-day. As I already let you know we got a text saying that we were no longer allowed to use Facebook so that was pretty annoying; one because we were suppose to be giving a training the next day on Facebook, two because we had just started using Facebook and spent a week getting it all set up. After that we went to a members house and invited our ami to come over who is progressing but very slowly. We had a good FHE with them all, we talked about the restoration and watched an old video that was made by L. Tom Perry.

Tuesday we woke up at 5am in order to catch our bus (because in Amiens in the mornings there is only 1 bus every hour). So we get ready and we are out the door waiting at the bus stop...then we both realize that we had forgotten our train tickets in the apartment! So we sprinted back up to the apartment hoping that we would make the bus, but the bus already passed... So we went back upstairs lost not knowing what we should do because our train left in 18 minutes. Then we get the idea to put on our running shoes and our rain jackets (because of course it had to be pouring rain) and we decided to sprint to the train station with our dress shoes in our backpacks and dressed in our suits. The train station from our apartment is about a 30 minute walk. We managed to sprint there in 15 minutes! Then we printed off our train tickets at the kiosk and got on the train as the doors were closing. We had a layover in Lille, then took the train to Belgium to have zone conference. Zone conference was good it was a little weird and you could tell that a lot of the trainings were done last minute because everything got changed the day before (due to the change with Facebook). We gave our training (pretty much on the spot with a little bit of notes) it went really well though. Then the coolest part was that Darios (the guy I baptized in Charleroi) came and visited Elder Powelson and me - he is super awesome. It was super nice to see him. Then we got on the train back to Amiens and got there pretty late. 

Wednesday nothing too big happened. We visited the in-active guy we've been seeing the past several weeks, and just did some missionary work. A sister in our zone broke her camera and she is in a small ville with no repair stores so we took her camera in for her. The dude fixed it in 5 seconds and didn't charge her anything so that was nice. Then we went to the church to contact some people on the internet. 

Thursday started out pretty long because we didn't have anything planned, but then we got a call from a recent convert and we went and visited him. It went really well we talked about forgiveness because so many people in this branch are less active because they're too prideful to forgive someone. After that we had a English/mission preparation class with my favorite members! We taught them how to pray in English it was cool. Then gave us each a gift, they made us our own custom tee-shirts with our own saying that we made up on them haha. They are so awesome!!! Later they took us out to eat dinner at a super good chicken restaurant.
Friday we did some missionary/ less active work. Then we just had weekly  planning so nothing too interesting. Called a bunch of people. We had a branch council meeting. It started off good then at the end it was just terrible... it ended with a member yelling at the branch president for treating a lady in the branch wrong. The branch president telling us (the missionaries) that if someone smokes or drinks or has sex before baptism that, in his opinion, its not a big deal and they can still be baptized. We corrected him and shut that down real quick haha. Oh la la this branch...
Saturday first thing in the morning we headed to Arras because there is a missionary there who's knee is injured and he can't walk. That companionship hasn't even left their apt in a week! So we did an emergency exchange over there just for about 8 hours then headed home at night because the next day was Sunday. Then around 7pm we get a call from the branch president asking us both if we could give a talk....TOMORROW... we kindly accepted.

Sunday headed to church. We taught Sunday school (completely winged it because our dmp didn't show up) it was on the church of Jesus in the past and it went super well. Elder Powelson and me are kings at winging it ;) Then sacrament came around and Elder Powelson and I looked at each other and realized that we haven't prepared anything for our talks. Luckily Powelson went first (haha) then I had some time to choose a topic and write down some notes. Powelson talked about forgiveness and I went (kinda) on the subject of forgiveness but I talked more about forgiving yourself and repentance. They both went well. After church we talked to members. Then we went to a members house and gave her and her kids a spiritual message. We showed that video about Chris Williams (they guy who's family got killed by the drunk driver) because they had questions on Elder Powelson's talk. Also I invented these burritos I call Beck's Burritos. They're delicious:)

Something crazy that happened to our mission - we had a mission leader call this morning informing us that over 100 iPads were stolen out of the mission home last night! So there will be a ton of missionaries who will not be receiving iPads!!! Can you believe that? 

Well that's my week hope you guys are all individually keeping it real. Bisous! 
-Elder Beck

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